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Conference Witness Team plans for the next year

February 20, 2023
By Rev. Danita Poston Knowles
The Oxford dictionary defines witness as one who sees and gives evidence of personal experience or observation. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are all witnesses. We each have a story to share with others about the Messiah, who Jesus is as our Lord and Savior. We testify of Jesus’ loving sacrifice to forgive our sins and give us victorious life and eternal life in the heavenly Kingdom to come.
The goals of your Conference witness team are three-fold:
  1. Recognizing the ministry of evangelism. The witness team wants to lift up those among us, both clergy and laity, both youth and adult, who embody the words of Jesus in Acts 1:8, “And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.” The Harry Denman Evangelism Award is given to a youth and an adult with an exceptional ministry of evangelism expressed in word, sign, and deed. His/her consistent commitment is evidenced by many who have been helped by him/her in their faith journey. If you know of such a person, please nominate them. Click here for more information
  2. Instruct. Empower. Resource. The witness team wants to instruct, empower, and resource every SGAUMC church to evangelize (share Jesus) within local contexts. 

    Your team is keenly aware that 2023 is unique in our South Georgia Conference history.  Along with Conference leadership, we recognize there are souls who urgently need Jesus for help, hope, and healing. These are: a) United Methodist “refugees” from disaffiliated churches who need a church home, b) those who are hurt, disillusioned, and “done” with the traditional church, and c) the “nones” who will never enter church buildings, who think the church and Jesus have nothing relevant for their lives.

    Your witness team is collaborating with Anne Bosarge, Director of Leadership Strategies and Local Church Resources, to learn more about establishing home churches and other Fresh Expressions of church that are non-traditional. We desire to be used by the Conference to empower all of you to go forth in Jesus’ name to evangelize your world by all means.
  3. Answering the questions. Our team wants to help answer questions like: What does it mean to “evangelize”? How can we witness? We want to be a source of information and encouragement about witnessing and evangelism. 
The Witness Team is excited about moving forward, diving in, and being strategic around the area of evangelism and outreach. Stay tuned to future articles.
Rev. Danita Poston Knowles is the pastor of Tabernacle UMC and Tennille UMC and serves as the chair of the South Georgia Conference Witness Team. Rev. Precious Hawkins, pastor of Asbury UMC in Savannah, also serves on the Witness Team. 

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